Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I sense we were meant to be insulted.

Dear Lee and Karlski,

I sometimes have trouble opening up to the people that I love. What's the best way to tell my fat, gay, fat, fat, fat, hirsute, gay, homosexual-lover that I want to start an advice column with him? I feel you two have special knowledge, here.

-- A Fellow Bone Smuggler Piloting the Good Ship Fat and Gay

Dear Bone Smuggler,

It seems to us that you don't really have a problem opening up to the people you love. What you need is confidence in yourself and your abilities to really open up wide to your lover. Once you overcome your own crippling insecurities, you should soon find yourself able to open yourself wider than ever before.

- Karlski.

Also, you might find it easier to type without all of those cocks in your hand. And mouth. And face. Generally, you should just avoid trying to use a computer when any number of cocks are in or around your body.


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