Wednesday, October 22, 2008

An issue that affects us all.

Dear Splendid Advice,

The Misses and I want to purchase a home, but we're far too poor to do so at the moment. Or ever perhaps. Should we just do it anyway and deal with the repercussions from the comfort of our new abode?


Dude eating pasta in underwear

Dear Dude,

It can be difficult to break into the home-buying market. Fortunately you have more than one female at your disposal, so we recommend putting your misses to work; perhaps in the hospitality and entertainment industry. Failing that, perhaps you should consider not eating so god damn much. If you cut down on shovelling hams into your maw, then you may find you have enough money in the budget for those weekly house payments.

- Karlski.

From what I hear, the organization of prostitutes is not easy, but it can be sometimes necessary.

Also, have you thought about switching to whole wheat pasta?

- Lee

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